This ongoing series started in 2018, before Covid started changing us, and before these new wars his us in 2022. It’s on what changes in our embodiment situation through those times, how the connectivity opportunities evolve, and what we are in the process of becoming.

Glass prints.

To be exhibited.


I surveyed cringy triggers and photographed over 15 people with them. For those who are idiosyncratic to them even a frozen photo causes bodily reaction, yet the pleasant aesthetics creates a safe distance from this experience. A lot of my research (starting from Uni diploma) and personal art projects are dedicated to studies of haptic perception of visual images.

My professor said it was too soft, though I got many ewws and yucks on the workshop. Well, exactly! Unease that’s easy on the eyes. That’s paradox. That and Ani’s aquarelle transparent skin.

It doesn’t have to be so figurative and familiar too, even the composition touches the body directly.




My team